Issue 2

Issue 2
Demons of the Hyakki Yagyo
paintings of a demon parade by Kawanabe Kyosai
In this digital issue, discover the monstrous creatures of the Hyakki Yagyo-painted by Kawanabe Kyosai.
Sometimes referred to as the “Demon of Painting”, Kyosai was educated by Kuniyoshi, for a brief time, and then formally trained in the Kano school of painting. This book, in its original form, was published just after his death in 1889.
The Hyyaki Yagyo is a parade of interesting creatures of Japanese folklore. Playing out at night on a particular street in Tokyo where there’s a splitting point between realms.
Let these captivating creatures of Japanese folklore take hold.
This file(pdf) contains-
49 panels of imagery
presented digitally in it’s original picture book form
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